Total Allocations: $2,085,485,618

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Allocations by Year by Program Area -
Allocations by Program Area over Time -
Allocations by Budget Code
Budget Codes Budget Code Description Amount Percentage
HTXD Treatment: ARV Drugs $2,085,485,618 100.00%

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2013 16913 $34,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 5286 $604,600
2008 5286 $1,580,000
2009 5286 $1,280,000
2010 7319 $654,500
2012 7319 $733,401
2013 7319 $0
2014 7319 $1,250,000
2015 7319 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 13038 $50,000
2012 14593 $50,000
2013 14593 $1,192,114
2014 14593 $692,114
2015 14593 $936,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2014 13167 $10,000,000
Côte d'Ivoire
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 114 $0
2007 5414 $17,475,000
2008 5414 $26,864,486
2009 5414 $16,000,000
2010 9396 $13,660,000
2011 9396 $25,625,000
2012 9396 $30,700,000
2013 9396 $22,500,000
2014 9396 $18,256,171
2015 9396 $17,779,415
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2013 13696 $1,400,000
2014 13696 $3,183,301
2015 13696 $5,700,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2011 12559 $250,000
2012 12559 $0
2014 17548 $600,000
2015 17548 $7,083,174
2016 17548 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 126 $0
2007 5499 $34,562,102
2008 5499 $39,684,200
2009 5499 $20,908,877
2010 7523 $7,000,000
2011 7523 $3,774,817
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 110 $0
2007 4772 $2,750,000
2008 6703 $2,250,000
2009 6703 $2,165,032
2010 7218 $772,197
2011 7218 $2,121,954
2012 7218 $640,000
2013 7218 $459,493
2014 7218 $500,000
2015 7218 $150,798
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 114 $0
2007 5145 $6,400,000
2008 3831 $2,560,000
2009 3831 $4,600,000
2010 12369 $6,000,000
2011 12713 $6,000,000
2012 10639 $6,161,571
2013 10639 $3,581,695
2014 10639 $11,529,791
2015 10639 $11,167,120
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2013 9079 $2,400,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2015 14448 $6,695,287
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 120 $7,800,000
2007 5045 $14,204,518
2008 3650 $21,017,161
2009 3650 $13,150,000
2010 7326 $10,000,000
2011 7326 $9,920,000
2012 7326 $42,790,621
2013 7326 $39,462,148
2014 7326 $30,585,065
2015 7326 $31,500,000
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 4420 $2,497,291
2008 4420 $2,777,688
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 110 $1,595,000
2007 4181 $3,555,000
2008 4043 $21,799,506
2009 4043 $48,021,552
2010 7354 $66,107,376
2011 7354 $57,659,307
2012 14768 $59,772,319
2013 14768 $88,000,000
2014 14768 $99,660,534
2015 14768 $106,657,620
2016 14768 $0
2017 14768 $0
2018 14768 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 4741 $13,750,000
2008 4741 $9,900,000
2009 4741 $10,450,593
2010 7158 $10,912,056
2011 7158 $12,644,028
2012 7158 $4,201,493
2013 7158 $13,090,000
2014 7158 $13,000,000
2015 7158 $10,507,385
South Africa
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 4480 $6,700,000
2008 4132 $0
2009 4132 $0
2011 9526 $1,103,495
2012 9526 $5,432,678
2013 9526 $2,799,022
2014 9526 $0
2015 9526 $0
2016 9526 $0
2017 9526 $0
2018 9526 $0
South Sudan
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2015 7135 $1,179,286
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 123 $14,293,966
2007 4790 $18,969,657
2008 4790 $23,568,743
2009 4790 $23,886,322
2010 7234 $23,886,322
2011 7234 $4,636,322
2012 7234 $15,298,082
2013 7234 $15,000,000
2014 7234 $12,300,000
2015 7234 $30,960,722
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 4961 $1,240,000
2010 7308 $17,112,375
2011 7308 $15,653,000
2012 7308 $20,857,798
2013 7308 $20,061,998
2014 7308 $11,228,657
2015 7308 $25,558,372
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2007 5175 $11,134,000
2008 5175 $11,650,000
2009 5175 $1,800,000
2010 7345 $2,850,000
2012 7345 $10,000,000
2013 7345 $11,575,620
2014 7345 $10,600,000
2015 7345 $4,429,969
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2006 132 $0
2007 5072 $20,000,000
2008 4139 $24,000,000
2009 4139 $26,764,913
2010 12261 $5,000,000
2010 7423 $27,164,913
2011 7423 $38,664,913
2012 7423 $32,599,913
2013 7423 $36,744,554
2014 7423 $49,844,554
2015 7423 $52,289,499
2016 7423 $0
2017 7423 $0
Year Mechanism ID Amount
2008 6030 $4,000,000
2008 8143 $3,230,000
2009 6003 $4,000,000
2010 7549 $5,625,000
2011 7549 $9,870,400
2012 7549 $20,336,400
2013 7549 $19,684,038
2014 7549 $19,971,822
2015 7549 $21,971,822
Subpartner relationships
3I Infotech
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Affordable Medicines for Africa
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Booz Allen Hamilton
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Crown Agents
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Tanzania 2007 4790 NA
Tanzania 2008 4790 NA
Tanzania 2009 4790 NA
Crown Agents Consultancy, Inc
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Euro Health Group
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2010 7308 NA
Uganda 2011 7308 NA
Uganda 2012 7308 NA
Uganda 2013 7308 NA
Uganda 2014 7308 NA
Fuel Logistics Group
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Fuel PHD
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2014 9526 NA
Uganda 2010 7308 NA
Uganda 2011 7308 NA
Uganda 2012 7308 NA
Uganda 2013 7308 NA
Uganda 2014 7308 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
IDA Solutions
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Imperial Health Sciences
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
International Dispensary Association Foundation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
John Snow, Inc
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Zambia 2007 5072 $2,650,000
Zambia 2008 4139 $2,650,000
Zambia 2009 4139 NA
Makerere University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2010 7308 NA
Uganda 2011 7308 NA
Uganda 2011 7308 NA
Uganda 2012 7308 NA
Uganda 2013 7308 NA
Uganda 2014 7308 NA
Management Sciences for Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2012 13696 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2013 13696 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Tanzania 2007 4790 NA
Tanzania 2008 4790 NA
Tanzania 2009 4790 NA
Manoff Group, Inc
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Map International
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
National Department of Health - South Africa
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2010 9526 NA
Net1 UEPS Technologies
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
New Partner
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Eswatini 2012 12559 NA
North West University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Northrop Grumman
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Northrup Grumman Corporation
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Tanzania 2007 4790 NA
Tanzania 2008 4790 NA
Tanzania 2009 4790 NA
Provincial Departments of Health
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2010 9526 NA
South African National Defence Forces
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
South Africa 2010 9526 NA
United Postal Service
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Côte d'Ivoire 2014 9396 NA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2014 13696 NA
Ethiopia 2008 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2009 5499 NA
Ethiopia 2010 7523 NA
Ethiopia 2011 7523 NA
Nigeria 2010 7354 NA
Nigeria 2011 7354 NA
Nigeria 2012 14768 NA
Nigeria 2013 14768 NA
Nigeria 2014 14768 NA
Tanzania 2007 4790 NA
Tanzania 2008 4790 NA
Tanzania 2009 4790 NA